I ran across this story on Huffington Post and it brought tears to my eyes. The account is called My 'Naked' Truth and it's by Robin Korth.

The article is a true story of a woman in her late 50's and her relationship with herself. Some might think it's about a relationship with a man or her body, but it's not. It's about a woman's acceptance of herself and recognizing what a wonderful life she has lived and being proud of the nicks and scratches she got along the way.

The morale of the story? Never let anyone make you an object or diminish you in any way. This is a piece that I know I should read daily. All women should... and probably men, too! It opened my eyes to how I view myself and reminded me that I should love myself more. We all should. After all, if we can't love ourselves, flaws and all, who else can?

You know what? You're beautiful and so am I.

Trust me, it's worth the short time it takes to read.


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