My son has been off to Marine boot camp for 10 days. It does get easier with each passing day, but it's still so tough to wonder what's going on in his life. I have had no contact with him since I gave him a big hug at the airport on Monday of last week. I wondered when I would hear from hear. I talked to Marine Corporal Crowder this morning who says I should be getting a letter any day now. I asked him about my son's daily schedule. He told me he is waking up each morning at 4:30 to do chores around the barracks before he goes off to breakfast. He did tell me that they are eating good. The Corporal says he gained 25 pounds during basic training. I asked him if he has shot a gun yet. He says no, that won't happen for about a month. I've been writing to him, but I am still waiting to get his exact address before mailing him the letters. I will be including all of your messages so please keep them coming.

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