This weekend I decided to go see my mother in East Texas. I have had a few stressful weeks, but there is some kind of magic that happens when I visit my mother where I feel recharged to take on anything in front of me. It is super therapeutic.

My goal this weekend was to relax and visit my mom, have her fix my sewing machine, and catch up on each others lives. We did, but when my mother and I get together we get a little wild. Although we had been talking about getting a matching tattoo for a while this weekend we finally did it.

ginger mother tattoo

I am so happy we did this and they turned out great! We went to Lost Boys tattoo shop in Tyler, Texas and Naysla Droguett.

We decided to get two hands pinky promising. That was our thing and still our thing. Every time I had something big going on we would pinky promise that I would try my best. For example: tests at school, dance competitions, and dance tryouts.

This is something my mother and I can look back on and smile.

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