Her name is Stephanie Courtney. Do you recognize her? You should, because she's one of the most highly visible actresses in television today (maybe of all time). In fact, one TV survey company estimates that every American television viewer sees her at least three times a week!

You see, 43 year old actress, singer and comedian Stephanie Courtney plays Flo in television and radio ads for Progressive Insurance.

Courtney, originally from Stony Point, New York, landed the role of Flo in 2008, beating out hundreds of other actresses for the part. 'Flo is based mostly on my Mom', she says, 'But nobody's that chipper all the time. It's my Mom at her most amped up.'

Stephanie's mum on how much the role of Flo pays. But one advertising company expert estimates it's probably about half a million a year up front, plus commercial residuals (pay per ad per times aired) and even more in personal appearance fees.

Regarding Flo's look, Stephanie says, 'I get to wear a lot of make up and tease my hair. It's the most fun role ever!' Then she sums up the entire Flo phenomenon: 'It's incredible! People dress up like Flo for Halloween! What could be more flattering than that?'


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