The answer to your first question is: Yes! They did it on purpose!

A church in Albuquerque, New Mexico launched their college ministry and soon became a viral hit. It was the talk of the school campus and beyond. And all because of a great, big  WTF sign.

At first everyone thought it was a mistake and that those in charge were simply naive to current day text lexicon. But after a the campus paper contacted the church, everyone discovered the sign was no accident at all.

The church's pastor was quoted as saying, 'It is something that our students are very familiar with. We know that any college-aged person is a cell phone using, text-sending machine. So why not use terms they understand?'

Since the ministry's recent start up they've attracted more than 300 members and the  pastor says he's constantly being asked, 'Are you from the WTF church?' So, based on his success, maybe this college's man of the cloth should be doing double a marketing professor!


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