Hometown: Shreveport, LA
Birthday: April 5
Kids: None of my own, but my boyfriend has 2 little girls who have totally stolen my heart
Pets: 2 cats, Xela and Ziggi
Music Loves: Flight of the Conchords, Cake, 80's/90's music, Counting Crows
Favorite Local Restaurant: Trejos, Posados, Indigo, Copelands, Shanes
Favorite Local Hangout: The Boardwalk
Favorite Actor: Christian Bale
Favorite TV Show: LOST, Arrested Development, Heroes, iCarly (Yeah, I know)
Favorite Movie: Amadeus, Happy Gilmore, About Eve
Nickname: Alana Banana (I go by Ally because no one says my actual first name, Alana, correctly- it rhymes with banana!
Favorite Organization: St. Jude (They've done wonders for my Emma)
I can't go a day without: Caffeine, Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Music and showing someone love.
Cool facts:
-I still hang out with some of my friends from High School.
-My brother is ALSO a local DJ.
-My first car was a 1966 VW Bug.
-My first dog's name was Baloney (my parents wouldn't let me name him Snuffaluffagus).
-My favorite color is red.
-I have an unsettling love for Hall & Oates.
-Most people I know say that I'm totally random and I'm more random than I let on, sadly.