Just days after addressing the tragic deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, Beyonce paid tribute to the fallen police officers who were mercilessly assassinated by a lone gunman during a rally in Dallas, Texas, last Thursday (July 7).

Five Dallas police officers were killed by the sniper, seven officers and two civilians were also injured during the chaos that erupted during an otherwise peaceful march. The Dallas Police Department identified the shooter as Micah Xavier Johnson, a U.S. Army reservist who died during a standoff with police.

On Saturday (July 9), Queen Bey went on her Instagram account and posted a video tribute to the heroic officers who lost their lives at the Dallas rally. The clip features the Texas flag waving in the wind as the names of the five police officers pop up on the screen. There names are Brent Thompson, Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Krol, Michael Smith and Lorne Ahrens.

The caption reads:

Rest in peace to the officers whose lives were senselessly taken yesterday in Dallas. I am praying for a full recovery of the seven others injured. No violence will create peace. Every human life is valuable. We must be the solution. Every human being has the right to gather in peaceful protest without suffering more unnecessary violence.

To effect change we must show love in the face of hate and peace in the face of violence."

We couldn't agree more. Violence only begets violence so let's strive for peace during these difficult times America is facing right now.

Check out Beyonce's tribute to the Dallas police officers above.

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