Bristol’s Cuban Adventure [VIDEO]
I know, I know, you're sick of hearing me talk about our trip to Cuba, but it was truly the trip of a lifetime!
You'll laugh, but I think we did it right considering we did absolutely everything they tell you NOT to do in all of the guide books!
So, imagine my surprise yesterday when I'm going through my iPhone and I find out that it will take photos and videos from your 'moments' and turn them automatically into a supercut video that you can upload to YouTube or other social media platforms! I was tickled pink and immediately started playing around with what amounts to being a new toy in my arsenal!
Watch out! I'll be at the Krewe of Centaur Midway to Mardi Gras Coronation tomorrow night and this time I'll be making my own 'supercut' of the event on purpose instead of my accident! I wonder what other technology is available that I'm totally ignorant of? Better not answer that!