UPDATE: KTBS reports that Cpl. Marcus Hines, a police department spokesman said "Investigators are uncovering information that may lead to the discovery of video. That process is still underway at the moment. Although these individuals, in my understanding, did work at the Caddo Parish Animal Shelter, it's my understanding that there were no crimes committed there and that there were no animals in possession or in the care of Caddo Animal Control that are involved in this investigation."

Cabrera has been placed on administrative leave from the shelter after being released on Bond.


This is a sick, sick story. You may want to sit down before reading this.

Local news outlets are reporting that an employee with with the Caddo Parish Animal Shelter has been arrested and charged with crimes against nature after allegedly having sex with a dog.  Animal control employee, Celina Ann Cabrera was arrested Friday and is currently out on bond. Cabrera has been on administrative leave since her arrest.

It does not stop there, the sex acts were recorded on video. Booker Talioterro Thomas, Jr. is accused of being the person behind the camera. He has been charged with principal to crimes against nature.

Booker Talioterro Thomas, Jr., Courtesy of Caddo Sheriff's Office
Booker Talioterro Thomas, Jr., Courtesy of Caddo Sheriff's Office




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