Caddo Sheriff’s Office Hosting AARP Safe Driving Class
It's a fact that as we get older, we may lose some of the skills we have learned, whether it be through lack of practice or just plain forgetfulness. Sometimes, the world around us changes and new skills need to be learned that aren't always taught. For drivers, this could mean a serious breach in safety. That's why the Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office is offering an AARP Driver Safety program for anyone aged 50 and over.
This 4-hour refresher course will be held from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM, Friday, April 7, at the NW Regional Re-Entry Facility located at 1123 Forum Drive in Shreveport. It is for drivers 50 and over and may qualify participants for an automobile insurance premium discount.
Class size is limited and pre-registration is required by March 31. The cost of the class is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members.
Make your check or money order payable to AARP, and if you are an AARP member note your member number on the bottom of the check or money order. Mail to:
Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office
Attention: Dep. Janice McGraw
1000 Grimmett Drive
Shreveport, La 71101
To register for the class, contact Deputy Edith Pinkston at 681-0875 or Deputy Janice McGraw at 681-0869.
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