As the year's end approaches, we need to remember those out there who won't get a full belly during the holiday season. Every year The Christian Service Program offers a reminder to those of us who will by serving The Poor Man's Supper.

The Poor Man’s Supper is held annually to raise critical funds and awareness for the ministry of Christian Service that provides food, clothing and help with utility bills for the hungry and homeless of our area. This year the event will be held on Sunday, Nov. 20, 2016 at 5:00 pm. The symbolic meal of soup and bread, which signifies what many homeless eat for their supper, will be served in the Hunter Activities Building of the First United Methodist Church in downtown Shreveport.

“We will be featuring several different soups from Monjuni’s and IHOP,” said Executive Director of Christian Service, Al Moore. “Christian Service is so pleased to have their help to raise money for the critical work of feeding the hungry.”

Tickets are a $5 donation at the door. No one will be turned away and freewill donations will be gladly accepted.

For more information, call 221-4857.

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