Parents everywhere either love Chuck E. Cheese because the pizza place provides entertainment for the kids and parents can be be like a kid WITH their kids (that would be me) or you dread going because it ends up looking like a scene from Lord of the Flies.


Regardless, Chuck is getting a facelift, dropping some weight and has learned how to use a whammy-bar on his new guitar. Chuck E. Cheese is now a Computer Graphic (CGI), rather than the original standard cartoon image.

So long to the safe skater image of Chuck with a skateboard, helmet and pads. Hello to the faded jeans, Chucks and Gibson guitar. The hope by Chuck's parent company to attract a "more sophisticated youth".


This is not the first time the mouse's image has been revamped from its origins as a cigar-smoking New Jersey mouse. The saddest part of the story is that allegedly, Duncan Brannan, the actor who voiced Chuck E. Cheese for almost two decades, discovered he was being replaced when he stumbled on a YouTube video of a new theme song that he was not singing. That sounds like the work of a dirty rat.

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