Dean From Supernatural Has A Brewery With Duck Dynasty’s Jep
Dean aka Jensen Ackles and his family started a brewery in Austin, Texas that they've named "Family Business". The Ackles moved to Austin years ago after their first child was born. The Brewery was first started by Jensen and his wife but later included the rest of her family which is why they made Family Business their companies name. But one thing was missing... The food!
Jep from Duck Dynasty was starting up a food truck company called Jep's Southern Root's when he heard about the brewery and it was the perfect fit. Jep and his family serve, well, of course cajun food! Jep has always been a cook and decided the thing missing in the Austin area was good cajun food which he knew he could provide.
While Jensen and Jep are not always working due to their many other obligations it is very common to see the pair serving food or pouring beers!