Like most of us, after taking a trip to Hawaii last year, UL-Monroe didn't like the look of their bill. In fact, some didn't like it so much, that there was an investigation into the trip.

On November 28th of 2015, ULM played against the Hawaii Rainbow Warriors at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu. Which actually doesn't seem that strange, both teams are Division 1 football programs, simply playing a non-conference game. Really shouldn't be much different than if ULM would have played Michigan State or Montana...well, except it was in Hawaii.

Here's the setup from the Louisiana Radio Network:

"According to an audit, the ULM football team broke the law and the UL system policy when it played at Hawaii last season. That’s according to a report from the Monroe News Star. University officials says they though the school met state and system guidelines."

The guidelines they apparently involved the amount of money spent on meals, the fact that donors were allowed to make the trip on the University's dime, and that some of the personnel involved in the trip flew commercial.

Also, because ULM is part of the UL System, this actually makes this a crime. Part of the audit also shows that the UL System had previously assured the University that the trip and game wouldn't be an issue. However, we've learned that isn't the case.

There's not word yet on what the possible punishments could be, or who will be facing them.

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