Did You Know that Shreveport/Bossier Has a Cornhole Club?
I'll admit, I had trouble deciding whether or not to file this story under 'sports!' It turns out that cornhole isn't just for tailgaiting and backyard barbecues anymore! There's an actual Shreveport/Bossier Cornhole Association with almost 600 members on Facebook and they're holding a tournament at Mudbug Madness Saturday, May 25, 2019!
There's some serious money to be made, too! The Mudbug tournament has prizes of $1,000, $500 and $250 for first, second the third place winners respectively. Those winnings might even grow if they get a good turnout.
Want to get involved? Entry for your two person team is $50 and you can register on site from 11 am - 12 pm. The bags will start flying at 1 pm. It's a double elimination tournament and you can pre-register by emailing sbcaregister@yahoo.com. What could be better than cornhole, beer, mudbugs and great music? FYI - the Molly Ringwalds are playing that night:)
Here's Mudbug Social Media chair Tony Simpson and Volunteer chair Elissa Little to tell us more and also introduce us to the founders of the Shreveport/Bossier Cornhole Association! (It feels weird just typing that out!)