Former Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Tours Old NASA Stomping Grounds in an F-16
Buzz Aldrin just took a joyride with the Thunderbirds. What did you do today?
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin has seen things many of us will never see in our lives firsthand, but one thing we never expected to see was Buzz hopping in an F-16 for a joyride. The man may be 87 years old however, you never say no to the Air Force Thunderbirds. According to TheDrive.com, e gladly accepted the invitation to fly in their F-16D during their performance at the Melbourne Air & Space Show last weekend. This earned him the title of being the oldest person to ever fly with the Thunderbirds.
While in the sky, he got to see his old stomping grounds.
Melbourne isn't too far from Cape Canaveral. Buzz launched into space from the site in a Saturn V rocket as a part of the Apollo 11 crew back in 1969. I can only imagine how nostalgic this was for him, in more ways than one. Not only was he an astronaut blasting off from that site, but before that he served in the Air Force as a fighter pilot. He flew a F-86 Sebreas in the Korean War and completed 66 missions. After this he served as a gunnery instructor at Nellis Air Force Base before flying an F-100 Super Sabres in Germany. From there he entered MIT's aeronautics masters program and eventually received his doctorate.
Space was the next step and the rest is history.