Fight Breaks Out at Louisiana State Fair (Video)
UPDATE: KEEL News spoke with Chris Giordano from the State Fair of Louisiana. Giordano says that the fight was handled quickly by security and the safety of Fair patrons was never compromised. Giordano says that the teens seen fighting were taken into custody, released to their parents and banned from Fair Grounds. You can read Giordano's full response here and listen to his interview about the situation and safety measures of the State Fair Below.
A large fight broke out at the Louisiana State Fair over the weekend. A large group of mostly young people, were apparently having an argument on the Fair's midway when the fists started to fly. The fight involved at least 5 different people and at one point, one of the fighters fell to the ground, and several others involved began kicking the man while he was down.
The fight got the attention of two police officers who were at the fair, who then tried to break up the rumble. One of the officers seemed to have been totally caught off guard by the situation. She seemed to run in to break up the fight with what appears to be a fresh State Fair funnel-cake in her hand.
The fight seemed to start out as a one-on-one between two men, but escalated into a brawl featuring multiple participants. No word yet, on if anyone involved in the fight was arrested or cited, but it's clear in the video that several laws were broken. Many involved in the fight quickly dispersed after the police showed up to break up the wild fight.
The video was caught by a patron of the Louisiana State Fair, and the video was posted on Love Shreveport-Bossier. Updates to this story will come, as information is updated.