Did You Know That a Beaver's Anal Glands Produce a Delightful Smell?

What if I told you the smell was so wonderfully delicious that it is called a "natural" flavor? Castoreum, it is put into gummies to get the berry and vanilla taste that we all can't get enough of. I guess the flavor is natural. Can't hate them for being honest. If you see the word castoreum listed as an ingredient, drop the candy.

Castoreum is just a fancy word for beaver's butt juice.


What About That Yummy Bubble Gum That You Spit Out After Ten Seconds Because It Lost Its Flavor?

Maybe it's the sheep sweat that makes it lose its flavor so quickly. Lanolin is normally something we put on our face, so many beauty products use lanolin on the regular. Should we consider putting our bubble gum on our face instead of the trash?

I can probably eat 8 Butterfingers in one sitting. However, there is a form of butane used as a preservative in America's favorite candy bar.

There isn't enough tertiary butylhydroquinone in one Butterfinger to make you light up a campfire, sorry about your luck.

Nerds and Good & Plenty contain carmine which is used to get the bright, beautiful, colors that make our eyes light up. How do we get carmine? Boiled, crushed, and dried beetles.

So there we have it, here are the 5 popular Halloween candies you should skip out on because of the nasty ingredients:

  • Butterfinger
  • Nerds
  • Good and Plenty
  • Sour Gummy Worms
  • Bubble Gum

Before you go out and purchase Halloween candy, consider which candies contain boiled beetles, and beaver butt juice.

Over 100 Pics From Spirit Halloween In Bossier City

These pictures are from inside Spirit Halloween in Bossier City for the 2022 Halloween season

The 8 Most Expensive Halloween Decorations On Amazon

Gallery Credit: Amazon.com

Shreveport-Made Halloween Movies For People That Don't Like Horror

For these spooky movies, our location information and user ratings come from IMDB. All of these movies are listed by IMDB to be filmed in Shreveport, even if it was just some scenes, reshoots, or the whole movie.