Jonathan Antoine is a big man with an even bigger voice. He auditioned for ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ on Saturday, March 24, and he emerged as a clear favorite the minute he opened his mouth to sing.

Antoine, 17, earned a standing O from the audience for his roof raising and heaven’s grazing audition on the show, where he performed ‘The Prayer’ by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli with his friend Charlotte Jaconelli. It was the pairing of an opera voice (his) with a pop voice (hers.) Antoine’s astounding operatic range caused him to pull ahead of his friend, in Simon Cowell‘s opinion. The normally cranky Cowell called him a “future superstar” and said that Antoine’s vocals were preferred.

Antoine’s performance has already begun earning him comparisons to Susan Boyle, another unlikely vocalist who earned worldwide fame after appearing on the show in 2009. He spoke about his lack of confidence due to his size, but said that partnering with Jaconelli gave his self-esteem a boost. After their duet, Cowell said that while he liked the female element of the performance, it was Antoine who knocked it out of the park.

Looks like the next British reality competition star is on the cusp.

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