Kendall Jenner’s ‘Twin’ Gets TV Show
Welcome to PopCrush's Daily Break! Here's a breakdown of today's hottest pop culture and lifestyle stories as heard on PopCrush Nights, airing across the country. Check out Kendall Jenner's "twin," the french fry shortage in the U.S and more, below.
Kendall Jenner's "Twin" Gets TV Show
Before you frantically start Googling to see if Kendall Jenner actually has a secret twin, she doesn't. "Kirby Jenner," who just landed his own TV show, is a regular guy with a parody account on which he pretends to be Kendall's incredibly sheltered, slightly off twin and Photoshops himself into her pictures. The show is coming to a mobile platform called Quibi and will be produced by Kendall herself. And yes, Kim, Khloe and Kourtney are all excreted to make cameos. (via Cosmo)
French Fry Shortage On the Way
Very soon we might not be able to get our burgers with a side of fries. Farmers say that because of the excessive cold and wet weather, it has been a terrible potato growing season. The U.S. potato crop is estimated to be down by 3 billion pounds compared to last year. This 6.1 percent decrease is one of the lowest ever. (via People)
Drake and Billie Ellish Are Texting Buddies
During a recent interview with Vanity Fair, 17-year-old singer Billie Eilish opened up about being friends with 33-year-old Canadian rapper Drake. The pair have never met in person before, but yet text quite often. She even referred to him as "a homie of hers." People on social media immediately started slamming Drake for texting a teenager. Some people labeled him a creep and called the whole thing weird and inappropriate. Plus, this isn't the first time Drake has been called out for having close relationships with teenagers. He got a lot of heat for his close friendship with 14-year-old Millie Bobby Brown as well. (via PopCrush)
Bananas Can Help You Lose Weight?
If you have been looking for new natural ways to lose weight, this may or may not help. Experts say that eating banana skins can help with weight loss, as well as improve your sleep and enhance your skin. How? Well, a lot of dietary fiber is in the skin of a banana. So eating the peel will be increase your overall fiber content by at least 10 percent. Other benefits include getting almost 20 percent more vitamin B6, 20 percent more vitamin C and a boost in both potassium and magnesium intake. (via Fox News)
Dictionary.com Reveals Word of the Year and It's...
Gabrielle Union's AGT Firing Explained
Gabrielle Union was fired from being a judge on America's Got Talent after being on there for just one season. There's a lot of different versions of what happened floating around, but here is what we definitely know: Union was fired after calling out the racist culture on set of the show. First, she had allegedly witnessed Jay Leno making a racist joke. She reported it to HR and nothing was done. Then there was another alleged incident where a contestant on the show appeared to make his hands black while impersonating Beyoncé during an audition. She called it out for being racially insensitive but yet the producers still allowed him to perform. Then Gabrielle was told multiple times, allegedly, that she needed to change her hairstyles because they were deemed "too black." There is currently an investigation going on into her firing. (via Cosmo)
Globetrotter Makes Leap Above Globe
Harlem Globetrotter Hammer Harrison jumped out of an airplane from 13,000 feet, breaking the record for highest slam dunk. Watch below:
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