LA State Troopers Preparing for DWI Checkpoint
If you have already started planning on who the DD is come Sunday night, GOOD! According to Glenn Younger with Louisiana State Police, Caddo Parish won't be dealing with many impaired drivers this New Year. The Louisiana State Police Troop G will be joining a multi-agency checkpoint on Friday night, December 29, 2017. The location of the checkpoint is undisclosed, however we do know it will take place from 10:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. in Caddo Parish. TPR Glenn Younger said "Our mission will be to find and remove impaired drivers from the road before they can cause injury or death to themselves or others." Younger went on to explain "In 2016, 52% of the fatal crashes in Troop G involved impaired drivers and nearly 60% involved motorists that were improperly restrained or not restrained at all." If you happen to be driving and witness an impaired driver you can dial *577 and report the impaired driver to the local authorities. Don't drink and drive, make sure you have a designated driver.