Who Has Crawfish in Shreveport? Here’s Where You Can Get Them
If you love eating boiled crawfish, your time is running our for the season. Several of the local hot spots are out or the supply is low.
We also found several places have bumped the prices up a bit over the past couple of weeks. You will have to pay about $4.99 for boiled crawfish. Several spots are selling live mudbugs for about $2.50 a pound.
Some spots are only dealing with boiled crawfish as the season winds down. Some are completely out of crawfish and are shifting gears to other products.
If you're favorite spot is already out for the year, you can begin planning for next year. The season is expected to open sometime in February. But that really depends on the weather. If we have a very cold winter, the season might be delayed a bit. That also impacts the size of the crawfish. Typically, the mudbugs are smaller in the beginning of the season.
The best time for the big daddy crawfish is around Memorial Day and then things start slipping back.
But if you just have to have some crawfish before the 2022 season winds down, you might want to go out and grab some this weekend. But take this little piece of advice, call your favorite spot first to make sure they have not run out of the supply.
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