Crawfish prices continue to fall in Shreveport Bossier. We are headed into prime crawfish season and you will be able to find great deals at several local spots.

Shane's is now selling boiled crawfish for $2.99 a pound, the first in the area to drop the price below $3. They are also selling live crawfish for $1.99 a pound, the lowest in the area.

Will Other Places Also Drop Prices?

In checking prices over the years, we have found most of the big sellers typically match the price of competitors pretty quickly. So I would expect to see prices for boiled crawfish to dip below $3 at many of the local crawfish spots. We should also see the prices for live crawfish to keep getting better.

The weekend for the best prices has always been Memorial Day weekend and it looks like we are headed in that direction.

I do have to admit I had my first crawfish of the season this week and they are a pretty good size. Not great, but pretty big. The size of the mudbugs will also get better over the next few weeks.

How Much Are Crawfish in Shreveport?

Crawfish season is already here and folks have been snapping up the mudbugs. We checked on the prices for you.

Largest Shreveport City Salaries After 2022 Pay Raises

Earlier this year, Shreveport employees received a 13% pay increase across the board. This salary information was provided by the City of Shreveport after a Public Records Request, and reflect salaries after those raises started. We will list the City Department, and Position, exactly as they are described by the City of Shreveport in the Public Records Request.


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