Don't take it from me, take it from the experts!

Before we dive into this crawfish madness, let's start this the right way... Happy Easter to you and yours! Naturally, this three-day weekend means a lot of family and friends getting together to enjoy the holiday and spend time with each other.

One thing all Louisianians love to enjoy when the weather is nice and the friends and fam are gathered is, of course, delicious crawfish. In fact, all Louisianians look for reasons to throw a crawfish boil, and are always willing to move around the schedule to make it to one if they are lucky enough to be invited.

Having said that, it's no surprise that Easter weekends is one of the biggest crawfish weekends of the year for our state. The weather is just right, friends are off work, and there's cause for celebration.

This year is a little different than previous years though, ya know, because of the whole pandemic thing. So agricultural experts in our state have a word of advice... RESERVE YOUR CRAWFISH ASAP. There simply might not be enough to go around in our state this weekend.

LSU Ag Center Crawfish specialist Mark Shirley says, "There’s quite a bit of crawfish coming in that’s being harvested right now, and if you don’t already have a sack reserved you may have a hard time trying to find one.”

The good news is that the supply is looking good for the coming months, the bad news is the supply is simply incredibly high this weekend. Get your crawfish while you can Shreveport-Bossier!



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