‘RRR’ Launches Oscars Best Picture Campaign
RRR is monumental. Not just as a foreign film, but as a film in general. For those unfamiliar, RRR is an Indian film which tells the story of two actual historical figures living under British rule. While the characters are real, the film is thoroughly embellished. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t have some of the insane action scenes, the excellent musical numbers, or the expertly choreographed dance sequences.
The film has been a hit with both audiences and critics in the United States since its debut earlier in the year, and now the film’s producers are pushing for it to be nominated for Best Picture at the upcoming Academy Awards.
Despite the absolute spectacle that is RRR, it's facing some pretty heavy odds. Only one film that wasn’t in English has ever won an Oscar, that being Bong Joon-ho’s tale of class warfare, Parasite. For whatever reason, it seems like Americans really have an issue watching films if they're required to read subtitles. Maybe it’s oversaturation in the Hollywood market, which means that most people don't go out of their way to watch foreign films.
Whatever the outcome at the Academy Awards, RRR is completely worth seeing. If you can’t find it in some local arthouse theater or something like that, your best bet is to hop onto Netflix. It’s currently streaming there, albeit only in a Hindi-language version. Still, it’s better than not seeing the movie at all.
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