Shakeup at Shreveport City Council – What’s Going On?
There's a shakeup happening at Shreveport City Hall. Council Clerk Kendra Joseph has resigned from that post and she sent a scathing letter to the council members.
In her letter, Joseph outlined several key issues. She says she has been undermined and her skills have been severely underutilized. Joseph also says she has been disrespected and used as a target as council members "fight amongst yourselves".
Joseph also indicated she is not confident she would have the support of the council in moving forward. Joseph was appointed to the position less than 6 months ago.
Here's the Letter Joseph Sent to the Council:
Joseph was appointed to the position last fall.
Part of the problem at the Council office can be directly traced back to the retirement of longtime Clerk of Council Art Thompson. He served in that post since 1985. He stepped down in 2020 after 35 years of service. He ran the council office like a well oiled machine, but decided it was time to step aside. Deputy Clerk Danielle Farr-Ewing was appointed to the post, but she resigned last year.
Who Is Kendra Joseph?
She was nominated to the post by Council President James Green. At last report she lived in District E in southwest Shreveport. She graduated from the Southern University Law center in 2014.
SettleTalk reports Joseph served as a clerk at the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Shreveport and later worked as a public defender in Benton and Minden.
She is a member of the Shreveport Junior League and was named the volunteer of the year in 2019.
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