Over the past few weeks, we have seen lots of people (including myself) talking trash about Shreveport. We do have a long way to go to fix many of the problems in our community. But there are lots of great things here and we often forget about that while mired in the negativity.

What Are Some of the Top Attractions in Shreveport?

But we do have some of the coolest things happening in our area, but we seem to take many of these things for granted. While I was on vacation, I started to think of some of the biggest attractions we have in the area. Boy, did I come up with a list. I know many of your favorite spots might be missing from this list. I didn’t include all the festivals and special events we have going on like Geek’d Con coming up this month or Film Prize. We are also home to one of the oldest college football bowl games with the Radiance Technologies Independence Bowl. That event draws thousands to our community each year, as well. There are so many other events that draw thousands of visitors to our area.

What's Your Score on the Shreveport Attractions List?

But I picked out some of the biggest attractions and wanted to see how many of these spots you have visited. I did a count on myself and I have checked out 17 of them. I have decided I will check out those final 3 as soon as possible.

We really do have some great things for families to do in Shreveport Bossier and we forget to celebrate that.

I would love to see how many of these spots you have visited and do a little running tally over the next few months.


Take a Peak Inside Shreveport Mayoral Forum

Huge crowd shows up to hear 10 candidates for Mayor of Shreveport.

What Are the Largest Cities in Louisiana?

The latest census numbers show some population changes. You might be surprised by where some area cities check in on this list.


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