Survey Shows That People Are More Than Ready For Halloween 2019
Halloween is just three months away, after all.
Halloween has increased in popularity every year since around 2001 and 2019 is no different. At Home, Michael's, and Target stores are already carrying some Halloween merch. I bought this yesterday for my own Halloween decor collection:
A recent survey conducted by HalloweenCostumes.com has found that folks already have Halloween on the brain. Here are just a few of their findings:
40% of adults surveyed begin decorating for Halloween during the second half of October. Other responses included the first half of October (31%), the second half of September (10%), the first half of September (7%), leaving the other 12% not decorating at all.
1 in 7 adults surveyed said they would feel comfortable wearing a sexy costume to a Halloween work event (of adults that responded yes, 56% were men and 44% were women).
1 in 4 adults surveyed said alcohol is their beverage of choice when trick-or-treating. Other responses included hot chocolate (18%), cider (18%), soda (11%), coffee (8%), tea (4%), and water (4%).
Halloween will be on Thursday, October 31st, 2019.