
Drag Queen Barbie? Say It Isn’t So (It Is)!
Drag Queen Barbie? Say It Isn’t So (It Is)!
Drag Queen Barbie? Say It Isn’t So (It Is)!
You know how sometimes you'll see something out of the corner of your eye? Something that seems so strange - or even impossible - that you have to take a close up look because you can't believe that what you just saw could possibly be true? That's how it was this morning when I noticed the following: Drag Queen Barbie! "Must be a joke," I said to myself. Alas, no. Barbie, that icon of ch
Two Mothers’ Crusade to get Mattel to Make Bald Barbie
Two Mothers’ Crusade to get Mattel to Make Bald Barbie
Two Mothers’ Crusade to get Mattel to Make Bald Barbie
Two moms that have each had to deal with cancer, one suffers from lymphoma and the other has a daughter with leukemia, are asking Mattel to create a bald Barbie to help young girls dealing with hair loss because of cancer treatments, Alopecia or Trichotillomania.