
Dark Side of Dog Breeding Exposed in Lafayette Hoarding Case
Dark Side of Dog Breeding Exposed in Lafayette Hoarding Case
Dark Side of Dog Breeding Exposed in Lafayette Hoarding Case
The Lafayette Animal Shelter and Care Center was called to an intense dog hoarding situation on Tuesday. They shared heartbreaking photos of dozens of golden doodles, Shih Tzus, and other highly sought-after 'designer dogs' living in filth and confined to small cages.
Are You Stocking Up aka Hoarding?
Are You Stocking Up aka Hoarding?
Are You Stocking Up aka Hoarding?
Stocking up sounds positive, forward thinking and wise. Hoarding sounds selfish, negative and bad. I guess it depends on what side of the fence you stand on when describing what happens when you make sure to have extra toilet paper on hand just in case...
WATCH: Horded House Yard Can be Seen From Google Maps
WATCH: Horded House Yard Can be Seen From Google Maps
WATCH: Horded House Yard Can be Seen From Google Maps
One of my favorite shows to watch is "Hoarders" on A&E. Its one of those shows that just mesmerizes me. ABC 7 News ran a story on man's house in San Jose that was so hoarded you could see the trash piled around the house on Google Maps.