Tropical Depression 14 Forms in the Caribbean SeaTropical Depression 14 Forms in the Caribbean SeaTropical Depression 14 has now officially formed in the Caribbean Sea and forecasters say it's likely to head into the Gulf of Mexico.Michael Dot ScottMichael Dot Scott
Hurricane Barry – The Video, Now Available from Weather ServiceHurricane Barry – The Video, Now Available from Weather ServiceVideos just released by the weather service give you a movie-like experience through the life of the storm. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
The Incredible Story Behind The Viral Sign Language Interpreter During BarryThe Incredible Story Behind The Viral Sign Language Interpreter During BarryHe was one of the hottest memes during Hurricane Barry, but Ari Latino has a story that deserves to be told.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Cameron Parish Prepped For Hurricane Barry With BoozeCameron Parish Prepped For Hurricane Barry With BoozeWhen most stores reported their alcohol sales ahead of Barry, they were flat or slightly up, except in Cameron Parish.Greg AtomsGreg Atoms
Drone Footage Shows Hurricane Barry Flooding Along The Vermilion From Up AboveDrone Footage Shows Hurricane Barry Flooding Along The Vermilion From Up AboveDrone pilot Andrew Morales is giving us a whole different vantage point of the flooding we're seeing from Barry.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Latest NHC Update Puts Shreveport In Barry’s Direct PathLatest NHC Update Puts Shreveport In Barry’s Direct PathTaking a direct hit appears to indicate that Caddo and Bossier Parishes will see the biggest impacts of the storm coming in the form of wind. Greg AtomsGreg Atoms
Wild Video Shows Entire Plane Hangar Rolling Down Hwy 90 In Iberia ParishWild Video Shows Entire Plane Hangar Rolling Down Hwy 90 In Iberia ParishEven though some are saying Barry isn't "as bad as they said it would be" it should be noted that some areas are still seeing some gnarly damage.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Tree Branch Causes Insane Arcing After Falling On Power Lines In ArnaudvilleTree Branch Causes Insane Arcing After Falling On Power Lines In ArnaudvilleAnother reason why we should NEVER go around power lines.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Power Lines In Baton Rouge Catch Fire On The Ground After Being Downed By TreesPower Lines In Baton Rouge Catch Fire On The Ground After Being Downed By TreesHere's a reminder of why we should always avoid downed power lines.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Video Shows Levee Overtopping In Plaquemines Parish [WATCH]Video Shows Levee Overtopping In Plaquemines Parish [WATCH]Authorities say that water is overtopping a levee in lower Plaquemines Parish.JoBoJoBo
Massive Tree Falls On Trailer In Jeanerette, Beehive Explodes On Family Trapped InsideMassive Tree Falls On Trailer In Jeanerette, Beehive Explodes On Family Trapped InsideEven though Barry made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane, Louisiana residents in his path should take him seriously.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Classic Cajun Card Games To Play During The StormClassic Cajun Card Games To Play During The StormHere are the rules of three of the most beloved Cajun card games so that you can pass the stormy weekend the right way. CJCJ