Kerry Campbell

Botox Mom Now Says She Didn’t Really Inject Her 8 Year Old
Botox Mom Now Says She Didn’t Really Inject Her 8 Year Old
Botox Mom Now Says She Didn’t Really Inject Her 8 Year Old
Update!!! Remember the story from a couple days ago about the mother giving her 8 year old daughter Botox injections? She even went on ABC's Good Morning America to tell her story. Then Child Protective Services stepped in... And now she's claiming she made it all up!
8-Year-Old Who Was Given Botox Injections by Her Mother Removed From Home
8-Year-Old Who Was Given Botox Injections by Her Mother Removed From Home
8-Year-Old Who Was Given Botox Injections by Her Mother Removed From Home
Last week, Erin talked about the woman who gave her daughter botox on the air... And when I heard it, I was shocked and thought it was a joke. Well, it wasn't a joke... But there has been a new twist on the story. ABC News is reporting that Britney Campbell, an 8-year-old pageant queen whose mother admitted to giving her Botox injections, has been removed from her home. Britney's mother, Kerry Cam