Three C’s of Halloween Safety: Costumes, Candy, Contact Lenses
The scariest part of Halloween could be the injuries, if you're not careful.
As much as I'd love to dress up and the Halloween Safety Patrol for Halloween, I'm not entirely sure that would go over well. Could you imagine the outrage if you rummaged through someone's candy bucket to check the safety of their candy? Or how about the scathing looks you would get if you asked about the regulations regarding someone's contact lenses?
On second thought, that sound pretty funny.
All in all, people just want to have fun for Halloween. They want to skip through the street trick-or-treating or off to their respective parties without a care in the world. The Food and Drug Administration would beg to differ about this carelessness.
The FDA, Consumer Safety Commission, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have presented us with a few guidelines to make sure this Halloween is completely safe.
Here are a few highlights:
What you're wearing on Halloween night can be dangerous to your health and your well being. Make sure your costume is flame resistant and opt for makeup/hats instead of masks that will obscure your vision. Also, test your makeup for allergic reactions before you wear it. Put some on your arm to determine if you will break out in rash, redness, or swelling. You may also want to make sure that your makeup is FDA approved. Also, if you are walking, it is recommended you wear a costume you can actually walk in.
The pièce de résistance of Halloween. It can be difficult to wait until you get home to start rummaging through that candy bucket, but you could save yourself some trouble if you do. People do weird, mean things on Halloween so make sure you thoroughly inspect your candy before diving in, especially if you have allergies. If anything seems questionable like it's been tampered with, then trust your gut and toss it. Eat something before trick-or-treating to combat the urge to snack.
Contact Lenses
I can't imagine ever putting something in my eye that wasn't from a doctor or at his recommendation. However, many individuals want to wear tinted, colored, or decorative contact lenses to put the finishing touches on their costume. First off, if you've never worn contact lenses before, Halloween should not be the first time that you do. Make sure the lenses you buy are FDA approved or given to you by your doctor. Any other lenses you find are not only dangerous, they're illegal. They can cause serious injuries, damage or even blindness.