What Are the Top 7 Reasons We’re Looking Forward to Mudbug Madness?

It seems as though it's been years since we had a real festival in Louisiana, because, in reality, it has.
COVID hit us just as Mardi Gras was getting underway in 2020 so the entire festival calendar was wiped clean faster than a nine year old can go through a bag of Oreos. We lost Holiday in Dixie, Poke Salad, the Red River Revel and most importantly, Mudbug Madness was called off.
You could hear the wind being sucked from the lungs of the Mudbug Madness crazed as the thought of going through a Memorial Day weekend without the traditional zydeco music and hot, boiled mounds of crawfish. It was devastating to say the least, but it's back on the calendar this year and thousands of us are already making plans to move to Shreveport's Festival Plaza for the entire three days!
Scheduled to run from May 28 through May 30 this year, Mudbug Madness will once again rule the roost of the weekend and for so many good reasons.
Along with the huge Treasure Hunt they are conducting right now and the incredible boiled bugs we'll feast on that weekend, we've identified the Top 7 Reasons We're Looking Forward to Mudbug Madness! See if you agree!
Top 7 Reasons We're Looking Forward to Mudbug Madness
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