Trade Beads for a Free Kid’s Pass at Shreveport Aquarium

When Mardi Gras is said and done, and the last beads have been thrown, what do you do with them? If you're like me, you carefully sort through the throws you've caught and throw out the ones you don't want to add to your ever growing collection. When you consider that almost all of the beads that don't end up becoming permanent fixtures in trees along the parade routes make their way to the trash - there's a lot of waste
As it turns out, our very own Shreveport Aquarium has a plan. According to KSLA, they have hooked up with ArcGNO to make good use of the beads, and to hook you up with something for chipping in. For every five pounds of Mardi Gras beads you donate to the aquarium they will give you one free child’s admission pass.
If you have multiple children, just bring in 5 lbs for each kid! The beads will not only be kept out of landfills, they will be used in next year's parades! The aquarium will send them to the ArcGNO's headquarters in New Orleans where they will be sorted folks with special needs and disabilities. The beads will then be resold to Mardi Gras krewes ahead of next year's parades!
What a great way to keep the waterways clean, provide jobs for folks, and ensure the good times roll next year - all while getting a free pass to the Shreveport Aquarium!
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