What Men Want Vs. What Women Want in the Perfect Relationship

This proves once again that men are much simpler than women when it comes to their wants and needs in a successful relationship!
My buddy Gary is always quoting from the book, His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage. And while the meme below detailing the differences between men and women is meant to be funny, it's also true in a lot of ways. The book says that men need their woman to fulfill their 'physical needs,' be attractive to him, a companion, one that brags on him and admires him, and creates a good home environment. Yes ladies, when he harvests a ten-point buck, you need to brag on him. He wants to know you're proud of him!
On the flip side, the book says women need their man to show affection, talk to them, support them financially, be honest, and be a good father. Granted, those are my takeaways, but you get the gist. Once again, the meme isn't far off.
It all seems so simple, doesn't it? Obviously, honesty is important to women or it wouldn't be so funny to have passwords and email addresses listed below. I personally don't think most women are as materialistic as they're stereotypically portrayed, but I can only speak for myself. But then again, my list would also include that he must love dogs and horses, be a man of God, and handle the weed eating. I don't ask for much, just the fairy tale!
I'd love to know what you think. Is it funny or factual? Drop a comment in the post below and give me a follow!
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