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If you consider shopping a sport and getting the best price possible a badge of honor, you'll want to check out this list of retailers with the deepest overall discounts for Black Friday.

While I don't consider shopping a contact sport, I do like to save money. Thankfully, Black Friday shopping can also be done online, because I don't have the patience to stand in line vying for one widget out of the three available. Some of my fondest Thanksgiving memories with my former in laws was all of us gathered together studying the sale papers and crafting our plan of attack.

Thankfully, if you don't want to take the time to research special sale items, WalletHub.com has done the work for us. They scanned retailers for advertised pricing on big ticket items in popular categories like appliances and jewelry.

Source: WalletHub

I'm not sure what your takeaway is from that particular graphic, but I can't help but wonder why discounts aren't as deep as they used to be. Maybe the discounts aren't as deep because the sales are starting earlier? Or are profit lines just that narrow?

One thing I can tell you for sure... I won't be filling my list at Ace Hardware. Happy shopping!

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