Distracted Driving Simulator In Shreveport Today
We all know the dangers of distracted driving, but a majority of us still text and drive. According to a recent AT&T poll of over 2,000 respondents, 7-in-10 people admit to using their cell phones while driving. But it's not limited to texting; many of us are checking email, scrolling through Facebook, and even snapping selfies.
To demonstrate just how dangerous distracted driving is, AT&T is inviting the public to take a spin inside their virtual reality “It Can Wait” Driving Simulator which is on location today from 10am-4pm in the lobby of Government Plaza in Shreveport. Participants will be able to experience for themselves exactly what can happen when they take their eyes off the road to glance at their cell phone.
AT&T has also introduced an on-line interactive Distracted Driving Simulator that syncs with your mobile phone. We checked it out last night, and it's totally cool!
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