Easter Sunrise Service Scheduled For Sunday at Centenary College
An annual tradition on Easter Sunday are "Sunrise Services." Traditionally, these are held outdoors in an amphitheater style setting and take place as the sun begins to rise.
Scores of these are held all over Louisiana, but it would be hard to beat the setting of this spiritual experience at Centenary College, and the staff of Centenary is prepared for this Sunday's event. In a letter to me they wrote:
Centenary College will host an Easter Sunrise Service on Sunday, April 16 at 6:00 a.m. in the Hargrove Memorial Amphitheater (the Shell). The service is open to the public.
“The service is similar to a cantata, balancing liturgy, drama, and music in presenting the passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ,” says Dr. David Hobson, director of the Centenary College Choir. “It is a wonderful set of anthems, including many familiar choruses of Brahms, Handel, and Dubois, as well as a few well-known hymns.”
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