If the Movie ‘Ghost’ Were Filmed in Louisiana…
It's true, we march to the beat of our drummer here in Louisiana... So, you have to wonder, what would the movie Ghost have been like if it were filmed, or even based, in Louisiana aka Hollywood South?
Of course, for the answer to a question as existential as that, you have to go straight to the internet to see our friends at Cajun Giggles, because they never disappoint!
Cajun Giggles is a fun page on Facebook that describes themselves as, 'Just silly Cajun humor... that will hopefully give you a giggle. That's all,y’all!' All of the content on the page is created by Spaine Edler. I suggest you give them a follow, they always give me a smile and often a much-needed belly laugh!
Because let's face it, in Louisiana, we take our food and our gumbo seriously. It's way more important than pottery and things of that nature. So what would it have been like for Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore if the movie Ghost took place in Louisiana? Sure, it's still hot... just in a different way. Hope you enjoy!