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When it comes to hair and grooming in our personal 'areas,' what do folks in Louisiana and Texas prefer? You've got questions, we've got the answers!

What do folks in Louisiana and Texas prefer when it comes to grooming their hair, down there?

Believe it or not, we're way more concerned about our grooming habits than we are about our partner's when it comes to our private areas. Nearly half of the people in a recent survey by BespokeSurgical.com said they don't care if their partners have any pubic hair removed. I was also surprised to learn that 59% of us enjoy time with our partner less if our own pubic hair is not groomed to our comfort level. However, only 38% enjoy hooking up with someone less if their hair is not groomed to their liking. This tells me that we're probably overthinking things down there... 

Seeing how the report from BespokeSurgical.com goes on to note that 65% of us don't want anyone else around 'our area' unless we're groomed to our own personal standards, it lends credence to my statement above about overthinking things. Especially when you find out that the study found that 37% of us will skip intimacy altogether if we're not feeling confident about our 'presentation.'


So why do folks in Louisiana and Texas groom their undercarriage?

You're going to love this answer... 60% of people use hair removal as a way to feel cleaner and ditch the itch. Hello! We live in the South... 'Swamp butt' is REAL! This is kind of funny because 59% of women prefer to go au natural during the winter months. Perhaps for us Southerners, it's more about necessity than looks. Maybe?


What's healthiest when it comes to grooming your pubic hair?

Everything I found online said that going natural is best, but that if you must do some landscaping, trimming is better than shaving or waxing. Healthline says that public hair is meant to protect the vaginal opening and cushion and protect the genitals. It's also meant to wick away sweat, prevent chafing, and offer protection from infection.

Goosebumps and other bodily reactions, explained


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