The photo, taken several years ago, couldn't have surfaced at a worse time for this politician.

Robbie Gatti, one of four Republican candidates running for the empty seat representing District 8 in the House of Representatives. According to recent polling, Gatti is holding a slight lead over Raymond Crews, Duke Lowrie, and Patrick Herrington.

The Hayride broke this story earlier today, since, it has been spread throughout the Ark-La-Tex which certainly changes things ahead of their special election, set for March 25th.

Robbie, brother of state Senator Ryan Gatti, was photographed several years ago in black face at a Halloween party.

Apparently, this was around the same time as the Tiger Woods cheating scandal, so Gatti dressed in black face as Tiger.

According to the source who spoke with the Hayride, Gatti attended the party with several members of First Baptist Church, where he was the associate pastor until last year.

To see the photo that has our area talking, click HERE.

Robbie has issued a statement in regards to the incident, you can read that below. He will also join our friends Robert and Erin on 710 KEEL tomorrow morning at 7:40 AM to discuss the photo.


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