Louisiana Officially Ranks as Worst State for Working Moms
I have always been very open about my reasoning for not having kids right now. I am nearing thirty and I am constantly told my reproduction clock is ticking. I understand that however, I can not imagine being a mother to a newborn and trying to juggle my career. The thought of it gives me anxiety.
I realize that I have had to choose my career over a family. My partner and I work full time, why would we want to stress ourselves out and constantly fall short when it comes to being parents? Who would help us care for our kids? How can we afford these precious little tax deductions? All these thoughts have held me back from planning a family in the near future. Now, with the latest unsettling report from Wallet Hub, I'm convinced I'll never have a kid.
WalletHub just released its report on 2021’s Best & Worst States for Working Moms and it broke my heart. Louisiana ranks dead last for working moms. We came in at number 50 when it came to single moms in poverty. The gender pay gap also looked disheartening. I kept hoping we would rank high in at least one section, unfortunately, that didn't happen. Wondering how bad Louisiana is for moms? Check out the breakdown below.
Here is the breakdown of life as a Working Mom in Louisiana According to Wallet Hub:
Day-Care Quality: Ranking 48th
Child-Care Costs- Ranking 29th
Pediatricians per Capita Ranking 35th
Gender Pay Gap (Women’s Earnings as % of Men’s)- 49th
Ratio of Female Executives to Male Executives- Ranking 41st
Median Women’s Salary (Adjusted for Cost of Living)- Ranking 34th
Female Unemployment Rate- Ranking 34th
Parental-Leave Policy Score- Ranking 27th
Avg. Length of Woman’s Work Week (in Hours)- Ranking 38th
Percentage of Single-Mom Families in Poverty- Ranking 50th
Are you mad yet Lousiiana? You should be these numbers are disheartening. How do we make a difference? How do we change these numbers?
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