Mayor Perkins to Address Shreveport’s Move to Phase 1
On Monday, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards announced that he was ending the 'Stay at Home' order for the State and moving us into Phase 1 of the re-opening process. As part of moving into and through the re-opening process, there's a lot of strict rules we must follow to keep moving our way through the phases and return to 'normal'. There's also a lot of decisions that have to be made by local leaders.
For instance, Mayor Cantrell in New Orleans, has outlined a stricter plan the Governor's for the city since they were such a hot spot for the spread of COVID-19. Outside of a State of Emergency declaration issued at the beginning of the Governor's Stay at Home Order, Shreveport Mayor Adrian Perkins has followed the Governor's lead and guidance. Today, we'll find out what Perkins and other city leaders have to say as we prepare to move into the re-opening process.
Shreveport Mayor Adrian Perkins announced on his Facebook page that he will be outlining Shreveport's plan to move into Phase 1. According to his social media accounts: "Mayor Perkins and City leaders will be holding a press briefing at 3:30 PM to discuss Phase 1 in Shreveport, including reopening Government Plaza for City business."
What's the City's plan for reopening? Will there be additional measures put in place? Hopefully, the Mayor will provide some answers and offer up his vision of the future as we navigate our way through the COVID-19 pandemic. You can watch Mayor Perkin's briefing below beginning at 3:30 PM.
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