My Hope for You During this Time of Crisis
We as a community are going through unprecedented trying times together... and this is my hope for you if you're struggling!
It finally hit for me today. The feeling of being unequivocally alone. I was feeding my horses at the time, something that generally soothes my soul. But then I couldn't help but think of all of the others who are weathering this storm truly alone. I'd love to visit my mother, who is 74-years-old with emphysema and COPD, but I'm considered 'essential,' so it's not a good a idea. Both my brother and sister-in-law are nurses, so they really can't visit in person without the possibility of putting her in danger. But my mom, thankfully, can still talk to us. But what about those without loved ones? Yes, I'm single, but I have a roommate, so that helps.
I find myself sleeping more, which is probably a symptom of mild depression. I'm quite sure I'm not alone in experiencing this. I almost wish I had kids to home school at this point! But with that being said, here is my wish to you.
I wish that you find Faith instead of fear.
I wish that you find comfort in connecting with others via social media, text messages or phone calls.
I hope listening to us makes you feel connected to the outside world and a little less lonely.
I hope that you use this time of solitude wisely and look within, using this experience as a way to do some self examination that most of us are generally too busy to do.
I hope you use this time to reconnect with nature and your humanity. Take a walk, a hike, play with your pets, love on your kids, share yourself with someone in need, from a safe distance of course. You never know how powerful a simple call can be to someone in need.
I hope you reflect on everything you have to be grateful for and the people who are the front lines fighting for lives.
I hope you cast all of your worry, fear and doubt at the feet of our Lord. He is an awesome God.
And last of all, find your joy and smile. It can be a hobby, making masks, whatever! Just remember, while you're keeping yourself busy, pray for all those folks who can't think of anything better to do than wonder the aisles of Walmart with complete disregard for social distancing... natural selection is real.