Overton Brooks To Hold Nursing Job Fair
If you are looking for a career in nursing, and are dedicated to improve the quality of life for men and women who served our country, then the Overton Brooks Veteran's Administration Medical Center might have an opening for you.
The Overton Brooks VA Medical Center is holding a job fair on Saturday, December 17, 2016 from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. to recruit energetic and dedicated full-time and intermittent registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and nursing assistant to serve our Nation’s heroes.
The job fair will be held in the main lobby at OBVAMC, 510 E. Stoner Avenue, Shreveport, LA, and all applicants are asked to register at overtonbrooksnursingjobfair.eventbrite.com. There will same-day interviews available and resumes will be required.