Revealed – Best Time to Fall Asleep & Wake Up to Look Your Best
I am one of the millions of Americans that do not have what would be considered a normal workday. My day starts just after midnight and it ends sometime much later in the day than that. Anytime I go to the doctor's office for a medical issue almost everything that is wrong with me can be traced back to my "unique" sleeping situation.
Chances are you have a workday and sleep schedule that would be more in line with the masses. Still with all the outside stimulation of life, family, and kids tossed in with the electronic stimulation we get from those screens we carry around with us, who can actually fall asleep and feel rested and look their best the next day?
Well, you could. If you knew a little bit more about the sleep monster you're attempting to corral. By the way, before you go changing any sleep patterns or bedtimes, you might want to check with your doctor. As I mentioned earlier, sleep and good health go hand in hand. You simply can not have one without the other.
There was a scientific study done a few years back, 2018 to be precise the crunched all the numbers and came up with "the best times" to fall asleep and wake up. Remember, that study used a lot of data from a lot of different people to arrive at bedtime of 9:45 pm and an awaking time of 6:55 am. If you're not good at clock math, that's nine hours and ten minutes.
You should be looking good and feeling good after that much sleep.
Now, let's look at sleep on real-world terms. The sleep experts say the best way to determine your bedtime is to first know what time you want or need to wake up. They say you should subtract eight hours and fifteen minutes from that time. The extra fifteen minutes is to give your body a chance to fall asleep.
Here's the caveat.
You will need to do this for about ten days to two weeks to get your body assimilated to your new and better sleep pattern. Once you get that pattern established many sleep experts suggest that you keep adjusting your bedtime until you start waking up naturally a few minutes before your alarm clock.
Can't fall asleep fast? Try this trick the military teaches our soldiers.
Now, with that being said, the experts say don't try to force yourself into this behavior. If you are naturally a night owl then don't fight what your DNA is telling you to do. Just adjust your wake-up time accordingly. If your job won't allow that wake-up time adjustment, then I guess you have some choices to make.
One other thing you might want to take with you as you advance slowly into the long good night is this. The sleeping experts agree that a regular schedule is a key part of your body getting the rest it needs. So, whatever time you choose to go to bed and wake up, make it a regular thing and your body will eventually adjust. '
In the meantime, maybe you should have a cup of coffee at home before you start attempting to talk to people at the office. Nobody likes a Grump McGrumperson first thing in the morning.
I find another great way to get some sleep is to contemplate unimportant things. You know, things like this.
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