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This year's annual 2020 Best in Sheaux Gala and Runway Dog Show for Robinson's Rescue is being held virtually!

If there's one thing that we've learned during the pandemic, it's that people who have pets seem to have faired much better both mentally and physically. And one thing that goes along with being a responsible pet owner is making sure your companion animal is spayed or neutered, not only to help prevent unwanted litters but for your pet's health as well. That's where the fine folks at Robinson's Rescue come in. They offer low-cost spay and neuter services in Shreveport. The purpose? To provide a safe, humane, and effective way to decrease both the pet overpopulation in our area and lower euthanasia rates. Robinson's opened its doors in 2008 as the first clinic of its kind in Louisiana and has been going strong ever since!

But because Robinson's Rescue is a non-profit organization, it relies on the generosity of our community. Hence, the annual 'Best in Sheaux Gala' fundraiser! However, coronavirus has put a kink in the plans of having an in-person event. But, where there's a will, there's a way! This year's event will be virtually. You can watch the event Saturday, August 15th, on KTAL NBC 6 at 8:30 am and KSHV 45 at 10:30 am. Plus, watch the event's Facebook page for details on how to vote for 'Best in Sheaux' and place bid on silent auction items like a $500 Lee Michaels gift card, art, and more!

May the best dog win!

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