White House Says COVID Vaccine Could be Ready by October
The world's effort to control COVID-19 could receive a big shot in the arm, literally, as early as October. That's according to Deputy Chief of Staff for the Trump Administration and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force Dr. John Fleming. In fact, several vaccines against the disease could be ready for public use a lot sooner than later.
In his comments to the media yesterday, Fleming told reporters that not only is he optimistic that vaccines could be ready by October but there will be enough doses of that vaccine to vaccinate the entire nation by the beginning of 2021.
Of course, vaccines are just one of many protocols medical experts are working on to combat the coronavirus. Among the other strategies that are being studied while vaccines are going through trials and testing are the development of synthetic antibodies. There is also a protocol that uses treatments to physically filter the virus out of the bloodstream.
Fleming a former 4th District Congressman from Louisiana suggested in his comments that President Trump's Administration is working to make sure that health care experts have an abundance of tools in their toolbox to defeat the disease. Meanwhile, spread mitigation techniques are considered still to be the best practices in helping slow down and eventually end the pandemic.
Among those spread mitigation techniques touted by the Centers for Disease Control are the use of face coverings in public places. The continued use of social distancing or social spacing when out in public. And frequent hand washing and hand sanitizing is also on the CDC list of best practices.
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