
The Christmas Shoes has touched the hearts of millions through song, book and movie. 

Now, the NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of "The Christmas Shoes", Donna VanLiere, is bringing the live event to Shreveport.  Saturday, December 3, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Oakmont Church of God is hosting a "Christmas Shoes Tea" live event for women.  The Tea will include homemade treats made by the women's ministry of the church, a special program including music and drama from the Oakmont Church of God creative team - including a performance of "The Christmas

Shoes" song - and a very special appearance and inspirational message by Donna VanLiere. 

Tickets are available for $15 each during normal business hours at Oakmont Church of God, 5925 West 70th Street, Shreveport, LA 71129. 

For more information, contact Oakmont Church of God at 318-687-5243 or via email at suzannekes@gmail.com


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